Saturday, November 19, 2011

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Hey peeps!

I just thought I'd say hi, since I'm trying to kill time during Latin class :p

First of all, want to hear something funny? In Latin, we have to research songs to translate from English to Latin for a project. Anyway, while searching for a good candidate, I came upon a translation of "Baby Got Back". The Latin is good, but the real gem is the English back translation...if you need a laugh, read this...I almost fell out of my seat! :p

I'm so nice, I'll even link it for you:

Anyway, so Life has definitely been interesting lately. It's so weird being a Senior. I have to keep reminding myself every couple of days that this is actually my last year here. I don't feel any older, or more mature, the way I've always assumed Seniors feel. But then I guess I've seen first hand how immature Seniors can be. :D  It's also the fact that I look at my fellow classmates and having known them for four years now, they don't look (significantly) different or even act all that the sense that they are still themselves for the most part. It's kind of disorienting, when I step back from everyday life and say to myself, "Next year we'll all be different places, living out the paths that have been set before us". It makes me nostalgic...even though it hasn't ended yet. It's even got to the point where during the weekend, I almost want to be back at school just because I want to spend more time with the people I've just gotten closer to. But I'm hoping that even after we all split up, I'll still be able to keep in contact with people. :)

Other than the looming hourglass, the most chaotic things in my life have been IB crap and college stuff....both of which seem to want to rob me of my sanity. what with projects and deadlines. Plus  being a teenager with raging hormones doesn't help all that much.
Well I am going to force myself to go bye!


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