Friday, March 26, 2010

Healthy War; Is Not This an Oxymoron?

So, I guess this is a little late considering the health care bill was passed sunday night, but the time lapse has not dulled my feelings on the subject. Virtually ever since he took office, President Obama has been pushing this Bill; to reform the healthcare of America. Apparently heathcare has been a problem for decades which is why he's pushing so hard, and I completely understand his reasoning. However, I think he needs to sort out his priorities a little bit. Why is this bill so important when there are still two pointless wars being faught in the Middle East? Every day, any number of people are losing their lives under the orders of a government whose first priority isn't to bring them home. Yes, the govenrment has been working on bringing soldiers home, but sooner or later, they're sent back. Some people are on their 2nd or 3rd tour! There are children who have both parents taken from them. We have had troops deployed in Afghanistan for 9 years and in Iraq for 7. All that's left is senseless violence. Why is the government still supporting a war that was started under false pretenses by a president who's mindless idiocy has cost this country thousands of lives, families oceans of tears, and so many broken hearts? This war needs to end! The government needs to get its head on straight and BRING THE TROOPS HOME!!!!!!!!

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