Monday, March 15, 2010

Witch's Brew: Macbeth Allusion

Yesterday, I was reading one of my favorite books called The Secret Circle. As I was reading, I came across an allusion that I'd never noticed before. Cassie (the protagonist), upon meeting her grandmother for the first time, makes some very interesting judgements about the old woman. Her grandmother is not a stereotypical cushy, cuddly grandmother. This one walks with a cane, has a hump, has untidy coarse hair, and a giant mole. "Cassie kept half expecting her to go over to te iron pot and stir it while muttering, 'Double, double, toil, and trouble...'"(Smith 56)
When I read this part, I actually started laughing out loud becuase it was so ironic. It's ironic becuase The Secret Circle is about a secret coven of witches, but at this point in the book, Cassie hasn't learned this yet. It's kind of like, duh she looks like a witch becuase she is one!
Anyway, that was my allusion.

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