Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You Raise Me Up So I Can Stand On Mountains

Dealing with death is hard enough, but waiting as someone labors through their last days is so much more excruciating. As the long days draw onward, you simply wish that their suffering end and that they be ushered into the ethreal embrace of the angels. The unknown is terrinble; not knowing whether they're going to last the night,  or whether the next time you check their CaringBridge you're going to find a post that starts out "It is with heavy heart.....".
One of my mentors and dear friends is breathing in her last sunsets, whispering her last words to the beckoning stars. I can't believe that she's actually going to leave this world, even though I haven't seen her in two years. When I was in elementary school and junior high, she was one of the brightest of my guiding lights. She helped me through the lingering depression after my grandma died, encouraged me to accept my grandpa's new wife, and comforted me when life just seemed to hard to go on. One of the kindest, wisest women I know, she never let me be pitiful and childesh; when I was being a baby, she let me know, but then laughed and suggested we play UNO. She helped me in so many ways, I know I'll never be able to repay her. All I can hope to do is to share the kindeness, love, and understanding that she bestowed on me with the rest of the world.
♥ u MG!!
Slán go fóill,

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