Monday, September 13, 2010

All this past week, I have had the urge to sit down before my laptop and "pen" a blog...but every time I have sat down before my computer, I have suddenly become blank and disinterested and turn instead to more amusing web pages. I have no idea why this is, except maybe the fact that I seem to be most often inspired to blog during Philosophy, and I obviously can't blog at that time and have to wait until later thus ageing the juices.
Anyway, the first five days of Junior year have been survived,  with a fairly positive future lingering in the distance. It scares me to think that I am really in my second to last year at Central. When I started high school, I think sub-consciously i thought that high school would last as long as grade school would, and therefore I would know the people for the same length of time. It has been somewhat of a shock realizing that no, it is in fact really only four years of schooling, and in a little over a year and a half, I will graduate and I won't see the same people that I've known since freshman year and there's no guarantee that I'll stay friends with people I've met since I started here, if only because we all go to different schools and become too busy to get together much of the time, thereby decaying connections; something that has happened with a few people from my grade school and junior high. I wish time would slow down and these next two years will be awesome and the end will never come...but time always has a way of speeding up when you really want it to pass in a stately everyone well knows.
I would just like to say that I am proud of myself (in a not too egotistical way) because I actually went to my first Central football game last Friday. It seems like a small accomplishment, but I had soooo much fun! It was especially cool because it was the annual Battle for the Musket which is a yearly game against our arch-enemy over an actual musket. I really felt like I was part of the school, standing there in the rain shouting and screaming, and cheering our team onto VICTORY! I actually stood for over two hours straight without getting tired...part of which because I was running high on adrenaline ;). I plan to actually go to Homecoming this year (yay!) and I really hope to get to at least one of the soccer games this season...seeing as soccer is my favorite sport.:)
Ok, well this blog didn't go exactly as I was thinking it would, but that's ok.
Slán go fóill

Sunday, September 5, 2010

T'is the last rose of summer...

Hey there!
So, it's has finally come, no matter how hard I've tried to push it away, the last weekend of summer. In two days I have to wake up at 6 and get on the bus and walk into that prison school by 7:30. No joke, the school was built in the untilitarian style of  prison. Anyway, aside from seeing friends that I havn't seen in three months, I am not looking forward to starting junior year. At least, my last week of summer has been fun even if it's been less than relaxing. For the last 11 days, Minnesotans and other Mid-Westerners have been experiencing and tasting the delights of the Great Minnesotan Get-Together, or the State Fair, one of the biggest in the country. :) I love the state fair, and I go every year, almost always more than once, an I plan to keep going until I die...maybe from  cardiac arrest caused by excess grease intake. ; ) One of the best (and the most annoying) things about the fair is that on each excursion to the grounds, I always always see someone, usually more than one person, that I know. It was really cool on tuesday, because I got to see one of the guys that I went to grade-school and junior high with and I hadn't seen in over two years. It was a little awkward, but it was still great to see him. The one downside was that for the next few days, I kept thinking about 8th grade and all the preceding years and all the experieces that my class shared. It was really sad to think that we'll most likely not see eachother all together again. :( I was thinking maybe I'd put together a reunion but I don't know because it's a lot of work to put one together. Anyway, the rest of the week was pretty fun becuase I got to go to the fair again and we went up north and visited Glensheen Mansion, Gooseberry Falls, and Split Rock Lighthouse. I love it up by Superior, it's so beautiful even if it was pretty chilly for August.
Hasta la vista!