Saturday, November 17, 2012

How lovely to be a woman...

This is a random post about being a woman in the world and femininity in general.
So for several years I have had issues with my body and the way I look. Who hasn't? I take my hat off to anyone really, not even just females, who has never had a problem with their image; if such a person exists, which I doubt. Anyway, this last June I wanted to buy myself a bikini, something I have never owned, choosing instead the more conservative "tankini". My mom who was with me was uncomfortable with me buying one (even though I'm 18) because she thought that I felt that I needed to show more for boys to like me. In fact the reason that I wanted to buy one was to prove to myself that I was confident enough to wear it; which I did. :)
However, this instance and others related have given me much food for thought, and I'm still not sure exactly where I stand. Part of this has to do with strippers, the way girls dress today, and I guess just the female image. On the one hand I feel like girls that dress slutty are only doing it to get the attention of guys and I think i sort of think lowly of strippers because they parade around half-naked all the time. However, on the other hand I know that there are people who are just super comfortable with their body and I have to respect that. But even though I feel comfortable (to an extent) wearing a bikini, why do I feel the need to show off my body in the first place? Why is this a confidence boost? I can't help but asking myself why girls continue to bear their cleavage etc no matter how comfortable they are with themselves because it perpetuates a stereotypical view of women.
Then I have to condemn myself. I know that when there's a possibility of being in the presence of a guy, like if I'm going out or something, I'm more likely to put on a low-cut tank, or a fitted tee. This may sound desperate, but it's not. It's more the fact that I know I look good with this accentuation of my form. However, my question is, why don't I think that when I'm wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants? Why do we only feel good about ourselves when we slap on some makeup and spend hours on our hair? I obviously don't want guys to sit there and look at my breasts from across the room, but then why do I wear the shirts? Do I think it will get them to come talk to me? It never works anyway lol.
I feel like for centuries admiration of Natural Beauty has been nearly extinguished by an emphasis on the idea that one needs to "pretty one's self up". We spend all our time judging the appearance of others, and lord knows I do it all the freaking time (though I'm not proud of it), and thinking "Well, maybe if they tried a little harder..."
They shouldn't have to. We are all beautiful because we are women, a beautiful (mostly) and dangerous thing.
If anyone actually reads this, tell the next female you see how beautiful she is, and realize that it's true, we are ALL beautiful.
Ok, I'm done :p
Peace and Love,

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