Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our Fathers Brought Forth, Upon This Continent, A New Nation

Do you know what it feels like to be a part of something? One of the reasons that I love being a part of LHS and going to Pipestone is that I feel like I'm a part of something. It's like a dream down there, what with all the tourists around and being surrounded by a rustling cloud of hoop skirts and such. While at an event, I feel like I belong, becuase the people are gaping at all of us :). We don't just put on a show for an audience; essentially we live it. Period conversations, period food, period almost everything! Victorian Society (which I'm also part of) feels more like just dressing up and gong out...LHS is a group that teaches. The period accuracy might be a pain in the butt sometimes, but it makes it real.  I mean, I've been going to these types of events ever since I can remember, and although I got tired of them and took a break for awhile, I really do enjoy it. I've known some of the other members for my entire life and in a way, LHS is almost almost like a second family....well maybe a third family.
 Fashion Program Picnic on the egde of the battlefield Watching the battle August 14 Battle August 14 Tea with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln August 15 Watching the battle August 15

Enjoy the pictures!
♥ Bridget

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