Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Rose in My Hand

You held my hand as the world fell down, the life I knew,
crashing to its knees. The light went out ouf our lighthouse, crashing our
ship on the jagged spires of grief and loss;
but your hand stayed firm in mine.
Together we rebuilt the world:
smile by smile, memory by memory, laugh by laugh.
We entombed our pain in paper and glue,
and slowly our rose began to bloom again.
We carried eachother, through dark valleys,
across high mountains, through verdant fields past pools of unmoving water.
The sun rose anew, but the clouds still hovered.
When your hand let go of mine,
the ground disappeared.
Now alone,
I begin to build once again,
the clouds suffocating the sky.
Six rays of light stream across the floor;
the promise of new life and hope.
And from my heart, two roses grow.

♥ B

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