Monday, January 31, 2011

Sometimes an apple is just an apple~Ms Hutch (and whoever else)

heyo :)
I have been meaning to post something about this for weeks, but everytime I sat down to write it, I found myself doing something else. Anyway, this year in English I've been struggling with finding interest in most of the material we've been studying; I've found some interest, but when we first start each work I can never seen what the relevancy is or why the heck we're reading seems that with each work I'll sit down and start to read and I'll end up fast asleep be it in my egg chair or on my bed, which is really annoying. Well anyway, we recently read The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov and The House of Bernarda Alba by Ferderico Garcia Lorca. As per the norm (or at least of this year), when I first started reading I fell asleep for both works and didn't see the point of reading it. Then we started the analysis. I think I must be one of the stranges high school students, but the analysis of the text is one of my favorite parts of the whole unit provided the work has sufficient plumpness to effectively pick it apart. I especially love it when books have political/ historical aspects to argue with and analyze...most especially when it has to do with liberals versus conservatives (Bernda Alba) or repression of women such as Ibsen's Dollhouse which we read earlier this year. Most people grumble about the analysis (and I do too a little bit ;) but i really do love it...I love forming theories/arguments and finding the evidence in the text to back it up.

Other then that nothing's really different with me except that I'm finally starting to work on my twisted fairytale short story..even though I haven't finished any of the other novels >.<
I think I'll start keeping a book tally of how many books I read this year..or attempt to at least ;)

Books read so far this year: 8 (shamefully low, I know)


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