Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Age Begins

ok, so it's not the beginning of a new age, just a new year.

New Year's Resolutions:
-to become more comfortable and communicative around guys (yes lame i know ;)
-to write more, especially to try my hand at short stories
-to blog more ;)
- to be ME!!

Anyway, break is officially over, as I return to school in less than four hours. I can't believe that I'm staying up all night before the first day back...stupid procrastinating me left all my hw for the last day (typical) and I had this really stupid math portfolio thiny that no joke took like 7 hours, although I did take a break to watch a Cary Grant movie with my mom as a farewell to Christmas Break.
Now it's back to the grindstone, with a paper due friday that I have not even thought about since the bell rang at 2:00pm on December 17th. Even so, when I get home from school today I plan to play Scrabble with my mom, because hw will definitely get done that way. :)
So I just wanted to pop in and welcome in the new year, and promise to try in write more here and to post some of my attempted short stories.

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