Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I want to fly like a eagle..

Today was my first session of two of my new classes: Literature for Growth and Healing, and Feminist Philosophy.

Man, what a day.

I am so psyched about the upcoming semester. When I was first looking at the syllabi etc., I started to feel majorly overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the burden I had taken on. However for the most part my experiences this day have alleviated some of my fears. My teachers seem like they'll be good for me, ready to guide but not to domineer, to pass on their passion for their subject, but to leave room for wings to unfurl.

In my lit class, we did three different little free-writing activities which were pretty fun and I can already feel the stirrings being coaxed back to life. :) A part of the class, because of the focus on growth and healing, will have to do with journaling and the benefits etc. For class I belatedly read the assignment in one of our textbooks about journaling, and I became super psyched to once again write in a journal. I stopped writing in journals because I felt that I was doing it wrong, much like this blog, writing not often enough or screwing up the format, whatever. Plus, looking back at my journals just depresses me at what a little immature, boy-crazed, idiot I was in Junior High and the first few years of high school. However, this really opened my eyes, and I think it'll be helpful. :)

My philosophy class was also really fun even if it was only sort of a getting-to-know-you day. We did all the normal stuff, but they the instructor went off on a tangent about monogamy and Banobo monkeys, and just sexuality in general. It was interesting and I feel like this woman is going to create a lot of fun classroom experiences and I'm excited to see what she knows and to discuss feminism in relation to philosophy with my other classes.

I guess my next task is to take Feminist Theory so that I can understand the workings and mentality of the movement, rather than shunning it or defending it without any knowledge-base.

So internally hyper!!
that might just be the exercise endorphins though....


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