Monday, February 4, 2013

Lost Between the Worlds

I have recently been watching the epic tv series Merlin from BBC. It is an awesome show and has reawakened in me the obsession I had when I was little surrounding the legends of King Arthur. I've always loved magic and legends and myths, having grown up reading and being told stories. Even then I felt the pangs of sadness that I couldn't hop into my books and enter their world.

I've become obsessed once again, to the point where Arthur and his cohorts are on my brain nearly all the time.

Now the sadness is back and it's overwhelming. It sounds stupid and childish, but I want to be in Camelot, or I want to go back to the 60s and attend Woodstock, or I want to meet the High Kings of Ireland and steal away to Tir nA nOg. But seeing as I can't Actually Physically transport myself there, i'm thrown into depression and I don't know what to do. It's like my wildest dreams are dangled in front of me and I just can't reach, or they're pulled away from me at just the last moment as a voice snickers maniacally in the Void.

I feel I'm lost between the worlds. I have no real interest in this world, but all others are closed off from me. :'(

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